Stone famous for its violet color and highly coveted for jewelry
Enter the magical world of natural stones, more specifically that of amethyst, a stone famous for its mauve and violet color. Stone very coveted in the field of jewelry and used for millennia, discover the history of the amethyst stone, its varieties, its benefits, its virtues, its maintenance... We have gathered here essential information on this fine stone. We let you discover more closely this stone endowed with a relaxing energy. Appreciate now the article dedicated to the amethyst stone of our blog on India.
The story of Amethyst stone
The origin of the name amethyst comes from the Greek name “amethistos”, meaning “sober”. In the Middle Ages, people thought that by using amethyst, alcoholism could be cured. The tint is reminiscent of the mixture of wine with water, which is why this fine stone was named so.
Stone known since antiquity, the Egyptians already wore amethyst jewelry. We can take the example of the pharaohs who displayed themselves with amethyst pendants around their necks. At that time, this fine stone was considered a precious stone because of its rarity.
In the British royal crown, amethyst stones have always been found adorning their fabulous jewelry, extremely elegant noble jewelry.
In Christianity, the amethyst stone is that of the religious. If you take a closer look at the hands of the bishops, you will also see that an amethyst adorns a ring on one of their hands, hence the name "the stone of the bishops".
The different varieties of amethyst
There are fine stones on the market various colors of amethysts. Its color ranges from pale pink to intense and deep purple, it varies according to several criteria such as its origin, its size, its inclusions...
India and Brazil are the countries with the greatest diversity of amethysts. The most famous amethyst stones come from three countries which are Brazil (with pastel mauve to pale pink hues), Siberia (a balance between blue and pink) and Uruguay (deep color, a hint of red in purple). It can now be found on all continents such as South America (Brazil, Uruguay...), North America (Canada), Africa (Zambia...), Asia (India... ), and finally in Europe (France, Finland, Russia...).
The benefits and virtues of amethyst stone
In lithotherapy, amethyst is said to be the stone with a thousand virtues. It is associated with the crown chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit) which is the 7th chakra located at the top of the head, one of the main energy inputs. . Amethyst therefore acts directly on the brain and nervous system, bringing harmony to our body.
People practicing meditation (widely used in this religion including Buddhism to facilitate spiritual elevation) and Reiki are more receptive to this gem and are therefore very demanding of this stone.
Reiki (Rei" meaning "universal" and ki (or Qi) vital energy), is a treatment method of Japanese origin, developed at the end of the 19th century, based on energy treatments by laying on of hands, in order to rebalance the energy of the body. The goal is to evacuate all bad energies by letting go and relaxing, it is for this reason that people practicing Reiki use amethyst.
Amethyst is therefore used so that its universal energy is in contact with the vital force that we each have within us. The amethyst stone is thus used to heal the body but also the mind. It is therefore known for its many benefits. We give you some examples below.
It is in great demand to treat : - depression (by dissipating negative emotions and thus relieving moments of anxiety) - sleep disorders (possessing a relaxing vibration for the body and soothing for the mind) - muscle contractures - relieve hypertension - emotional blockages
The astrological signs associated with Amethyst
This stone is associated with the sign of Pisces, the last zodiac sign. Closing the astral loop, this sign symbolizes new beginnings, spiritual rebirth. Amethyst is said to increase spirituality, it symbolizes wisdom and temperance. You can thus offer a jewel of this fine stone to people of this sign.
Recharge and purify amethyst in order to preserve its benefits and virtues
The purification of amethyst is essential to enjoy all its benefits at all times on all levels (physical, mental and spiritual).
Several techniques exist to purify amethyst.
The first and simplest technique is to purify the amethyst with water, the goal being to absorb negative energies and transfer them to the water.
Take a bowl and fill it with fresh or demineralised water (avoid tap water). Soak the amethyst stone for at least 3 hours in the bowl.
Once the time has elapsed, empty the bowl outside your home and finally, take care to wipe the stone and the setting gently with the softest cloth possible.
The second technique you can use is the incense technique. It is indeed suitable for cleaning an amethyst from a jewel. Burn the incense and pass the smoke over the stone. Incense is known to bring good vibrations, good energies and is widely used by Indians during rituals, prayers...
The third technique to purify amethyst is the use of sea salt. Indeed, you may already know it, but sea salt is already known and used to purify one's home to chase away a negative entity, but also to improve one's physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Thanks to the hardness of 7 of the amethyst stone which makes it very resistant, this gem does not risk anything in contact with sea salt, on the contrary, amethyst supports the effects of salt very well. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of spring water and a cup of sea salt.
You will immerse the amethyst stone in the bowl of salt water for a few hours, then take it out and wipe it gently so as not to damage it or the setting of the jewel. Of course, you will throw the water outside your home so that the energies are away from you and your home.
If you wear your amethyst jewelry all the time, it is best to purify it once a week or month as per your possibilities to preserve its properties.
Recharge the amethyst stone by exposing it to moonlight but avoid the full moon. Indeed, the very strong radiation of the moon will damage the stone by altering its color.
Our handcrafted jewelry in 925 silver and amethyst
Known since antiquity as a prestigious gem, to this day we still appreciate amethyst for its elegance and its magnificent purple reflections. It is a stone that is still in great demand in the field of jewelry. Art Monie India, Indian jewelry online store, offers the largest selection of handcrafted jewelry set with amethysts for women and men, jewelry created and shaped by indian artisan jewelers in Jaipur. Various collections of amethyst jewelry have been meticulously made by craftsmen recognized for the quality of their know-how, timeless jewels that have the merit of being discovered. All these jewels are set with natural stones, so by wearing one of these amethyst jewels, in addition to the elegance that your jewel will bring, you will benefit from all the virtues of the amethyst stone.
Amethyst rings, quality Indian craftsmanship
Discover a wide range of amethyst rings for men and women, fine or imposing, classic or rather ethnic. Choose the ring you have been dreaming of for a long time, you will at the same time benefit from the many virtues of this stone.
Amethyst stone earrings, women's jewelry
Discover the entire collection of amethyst earrings to please yourself every time, available at Art Monie India. A wide range ranging from chips to pendants, jewelry at all prices to have fun easily!
Amethyst women's bracelets, Indian elegance on your wrist
Discover an offer of amethyst bracelets, a natural stone of well-being and serenity. Elegant jewelry in 925 silver, amethyst stones of various shapes, a wide selection of handcrafted products made with finesse at the best price.
Amethyst necklaces for women, handmade jewelry on your neck
On the Art Monie India online store, a very beautiful collection of amethyst necklaces awaits you. Choker necklaces or longer, fine or more imposing, composed only of amethyst stones or stones set on a solid silver frame, there is something for everyone.
Amethyst pendants, timeless jewel in shades of purple
Browse a selection of amethyst pendants from Indian jewellery. You will find quality parts at the best price in this shop. Close to the neck or on a seductive neckline, these pendants will have their most beautiful effect.